NATRC Region 4


General Requirements

  1. Rider must be a member of Region 4 in the ride year for which the awards are given. Only Region 4 rides count.
  2. Rider must complete at least three rides in at least one division for horsemanship awards.
  3. Horse must complete at least three rides in at least one division for horse awards and must be ridden by a Region 4 member.
  4. Points earned in one class will not be added to points earned in another class by same horse or rider, unless otherwise noted.
  5. Horse/rider team must complete at least three rides in at least one division for combination awards. All points for rides in which the same horse and rider combination competed will be added together.
  6. Junior awards are for Open Junior, CP Junior and Novice Junior Divisions only. Junior competitors in non-Junior divisions are not eligible.


  1. Awards are given to Champion and Reserve Champion in each division, Open, Novice, CP and Junior.
  2. Definitions: Champion is the horse with highest number of points in the division.

Reserve Champion is the horse with the second highest number of points.

  1. In the event of a tie in points at the end of the year, the winner shall be the horse, rider, or horse and rider combination, which has won first place on the most number of rides. If the tie persists, then the most number of second places will be used. Each placing shall be used in succession until the tie is broken. If a Grand Championship tie is broken, the Reserve Championship will go to the other horse involved in the tie.


  1. Ribbons are awarded to top six horses in each division with highest number of points.
  2. Ribbons are awarded to top six riders in each division with the highest number of points.

Team Placings

  1. Ribbons are awarded to top six horse and rider pairs in each division with highest number of combined points.

Breed Awards

  1. Breed awards are given to the horse with the highest number of points in each breed. Horse maybe multiple registered.
  2. Awards are split between Novice/CP and Open. Novice and CP are considered together and Open is separate. If the breed is represented by one division, the division is not identified.

Non-competitor Awards (Must be nominated by Region 4 Board of Directors)

  1. Outstanding Day Worker – person must have done volunteer work at a minimum of six rides.
  2. Outstanding Non-Competitive Horse – horse must have done volunteer work at a minimum of six rides.
Grasslands Gamble 2022

Traveling Trophies

  1. Donated by individuals or ride organizations.
  1. Winner’s name is engraved on plate on trophy which is returned to the region at year end to be awarded to next winner.
  2. In the event of a tie in points at the end of the year, the winner shall be the horse, rider, or horse and rider combination, which has won first place on the most number of rides. If the tie persists then the most number of second places will be used. Each placing shall be used in succession until the tie is broken.
  3. Trophies and requirements:

James Ray Singletary – Donated by Roy Sterling. Overall high point horsemanship regardless of division, weight or age class. Riders in each division with highest number of horsemanship points.

High Point Arabian Horse and Horsemanship – Donated by Joan Richardson. Highest total of horse and horsemanship points for horse/rider pair regardless of division, weight or age class. Horse must be registered full Arabian.

Grand Champion High Average Horse – High average score of horse regardless of class, division or rider. The horse must compete in six “A” rides minimum in the given year. Only the FIRST six Region 4 “A” rides will count toward the high average. The average score will be calculated by dividing the horse’s score at each ride by the highest horse score of that ride (regardless of class or division – the highest of the sweepstakes and CP scores) and averaging these percentages for the first six rides the horse enters. A pull means a zero is averaged in. This is purely a horse award and all of the first six “A” rides within Region 4 that the horse starts (regardless of rider, class, division, or owner) count. Any horse, regardless of rider or owner, that wins the award three times shall retire the trophy. Retired in by Jonni Jewel in 2013. A new trophy donated by Jean Green and Charlie DeArmond in 2014. (description edited in 2018 to include only “A” rides.)

Grand Champion Open Horse Sweepstakes – Donated by Michele and Danny Glover. Horse with highest number of points in the Open Division out of Lightweight, Heavyweight and Junior classes.

High Point Open Horse and Horsemanship – Donated by Pam and Greg Smith. Highest total of horse plus horsemanship points for horse/rider pair in Open division out of Lightweight, Heavyweight and Junior classes.

Novice Horse of the Year – Donated by Darlene Wallace. Highest number of horse points in Novice Division out of Lightweight, Heavyweight and Junior.  Restricted to horse in its first year of competition.

High Point Novice Horse and Horsemanship – Donated by Ted and Barbara Dean. Highest total points of horse and horsemanship for horse/rider pair in Novice Division out of Lightweight, Heavyweight and Junior classes.  Only points earned by same horse and rider count.

CP Horse of the Year –Donated by Deanne Prusak. Highest number of horse points in Competitive Pleasure Division regardless of rider.

High Point CP Horse and Horsemanship – Donated by Rene (Stevens) Davis. Highest total points of horse and horsemanship for horse/rider pair in Competitive Pleasure Division.

Sharon Rubley Memorial Trophy – Donated by Don Rubley. Highest horsemanship points for Junior rider out of Open Junior, CP junior and Novice Junior.

Overall Junior Horse – Donated by Sue Singletary and Shirley Parker. Highest number of points for horse ridden by a Junior out of Open, CP and Novice Junior Divisions.

High Point Junior Horse and Horsemanship – Donated by Horsemasters E.T.C. Highest total points of horse and horsemanship for horse/rider pair out of Open, CP and Novice Junior Divisions.

Worker of the Year – Donated by Leonard Smith, DVM. Worker with highest number of worker hours for Region 4. If winner declines, will go to worker with next highest number of hours.

Rookie Horse of the Year (2015) – The award is funded/sponsored by Marilyn Bivens, Kate Love, & Kimberly Murphy (R4 Members).

  1. Sponsors
  • Sponsors will select and purchase a “Traveling Trophy” (with the advice of Becky Rogers)
  • A “keep sake” award will be sponsored each year for the recipient (again on the advice of Becky Rogers or the current Awards Chair)
  • Commitment for sponsorship will be for at least the next 5 award years beginning with 2015. Further sponsorship will be evaluated at that time if the award is well received and there are horses eligible. At no time will the award purchase be the responsibility of the region unless the BOD so determines to do so.

“Rookie Horse of the Year” award is intended to recognize the achievements of those horses that begin their NATRC career in either the Competitive Pleasure or Open Divisions and do not ever compete in the Novice Division.


  • Eligible horse must begin their competition career in either the CP or Open division having never competed in NATRC Novice division.
  • A horse is only eligible for the award in its first year of competition.
  • Winning horse would be the horse with the highest number of accumulated points earned in either the CP or Open Division or a combination of rides in the CP and Open Division during the current competition year.
  • No horse having previously competed in a Novice class at any NATRC sanctioned ride will be eligible.

A horse may compete in CP and/or Open in its first competition year. All points earned by the horse in either of those two divisions will be counted towards the Rookie Horse of the Year award.

2023 Region 4 Year End Awards

Year end awards for Novice, CP, Open, & Leisure

Click to view the region 4 Year End Placings

Breed Awards, Champions, & Traveling Trophies

Click to view the region 4 Year End Awards

Click to View the  2023 NATRC REGION 4 TEAM AWARDS

Click the links below to view the 2024 Region 4 Mid-Year Standings (Unofficial)

Novice CP & Open

Leisure Division


Nan Ranch Mimbres River_7326

Our 2022 President's Cup Winners Deanne and Kaiser!

Past Region 4 President's Cup Winners

(National High Point Horse, Ride Limit Remains at 16 Starts)

2004 Swiss Mocha Grade Paula Riley

2006 Diamond’s Sassy Stockings Missouri Fox Trotter James Keene

2007 Diamond’s Sassy Stockings Missouri Fox Trotter James Keene

2009 Marquisesmischief Arabian Jonni Jewell

2017 Tezuby Arabian Jonni Jewell

2019 Giacomo ½ Arabian Fran Muench

2021 Bantam Z Arabian Cynthia Mettes

2022 TA Kaiser+/ Arabian Deanne Prusak


Join NATRC as a new member today, and you’ll experience your first year of membership for free! Enjoy many great member benefits and we’re convinced that once you’ve tried CTR, you’ll see a difference in your riding and your relationship with your horse.

Although it’s a competitive sport, it’s not only about keeping yourself challenged or achieving awards, it’s about comradery and building friendships with fellow riders who enjoy riding as much as you do.